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About Our Firm

For over 40 years, Blocker Gruendl CPAs, LLC. has been providing quality, personalized financial guidance to local individuals and businesses. Our expertise ranges from basic tax management and accounting services to more in-depth services such as payroll processing, financial statements, tax planning, and financial planning.

Blocker Gruendl CPAs, LLC. is one of the leading firms in and throughout the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and attention they deserve. Our dedication to high standards, hiring of seasoned tax professionals, and work ethic is the reason our client base returns year after year.

Our Team

Hugh D. Blocker, CPA


Phone: 410-774-0075
Education: Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, MD Lic #12379, Notary Public

The Blocker team started with Hugh's father in 1960. Hugh joined his father's firm after graduating college in 1981, with his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Frostburg State University. Hugh later passed the CPA exam in 1985. When his father retired in 1988, Hugh took over management of the firm. Hugh provides his clients with outstanding personalized tax services and believes in maintaining a close relationship with those clients.

Hugh is an avid downhill snow skier and a member of the National Ski Patrol Eastern Division, acting as their Treasurer since 2014. Hugh is a soccer referee and coordinates the assignments of soccer referees in the area. Hugh enjoys spending time with his wife, Mary Beth, and their children and grandchild. Hugh is also an active member of his church.

Joe Gruendl, CPA


Phone: 410-774-5619
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Accounting
Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, MD Lic #31218

Joe has 24 years of public accounting experience and has been a Certified Public Accountant for over 23 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting, from Towson University. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In 2010, Joe formed JAG Accounting LLC and over the years built a successful CPA firm specializing in business and individual accounting, tax and advisory practice. Joe and Hugh merged CPA firms in 2023 and formed Blocker Gruendl CPAs LLC. Joe manages the firm’s Annapolis office.

Joe takes great pride in the level of service he provides to his clients. Joe also has extensive experience providing tax compliance and planning services to individuals regarding personal, trust, estate, and gift tax matters. He has extensive experience providing accounting and tax services to business owners and his industry experience includes: Architects & Engineers, Marketing, Finance, Consultants, Construction, Doctors and Dentists, Government Contractors, Law Firms, Real Estate Investment, Manufacturing, Retail, Restaurants, and Technology.

Joe has lived in the Annapolis area for over 40 years. Outside of the office, he spends most of his time with wife and five children. Joe is an active member at his church. Joe enjoys cooking, reading and recreational activities such as hiking, biking, and golf.


Enrolled Agent (Virtual)

Phone: 410-774-5065
Education: Degree of Distinction Institute of Financial Education
Certifications: Enrolled Agent, QuickBooks ProAdvisor, Certified Bookkeeper

Roanna joined the Blocker Gruendl team in May 2014 when Hugh acquired Jerald D. Tobin, CPA bringing with her 14 years of public accounting experience. Roanna is an Enrolled Agent, a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, and a Certified Bookkeeper. Prior to her career in accounting, Roanna enjoyed a 17-year management career in banking earning a Degree of Distinction through The Institute of Financial Education.

Roanna loves to travel with her husband, Jerry, and enjoys reading, cooking, gardening, and playing with her dachshunds.


Enrolled Agent (Crofton)

Phone: 410-774-5434
Education: University of Maryland
Certifications: Enrolled Agent

Max joined the Blocker Gruendl team in 2021, bringing with him 9 years of experience as a tax accountant for a firm in Rockville, MD. He holds bachelor's and master’s degrees in music and an undergraduate accounting certificate from the University of MD.

Prior to his accounting career, Max served 30 years as a musician with the President’s Own US Marine Band in Washington DC. He continues to enjoy playing in several orchestras around town, traveling with his wife Irma, and enjoys serving his church as a deacon and financial manager.

jessica headshot


Enrolled Agent (Virtual)

Phone: 410-774-5322
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Accounting, Minor in Financial Management
Certifications: Enrolled Agent

Jessica joined the Blocker Gruendl team in 2015 bringing with her 10 years of public accounting experience. In 2018, she became an Enrolled Agent. Jessica acquired her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Maryland.

Jessica is a martial arts and fitness instructor and has taught karate since the age of 15. Her personal interest includes spending time with family, crafting, gardening, and cooking.


Staff Accountant (Crofton)

Phone: 410-774-5646
Education: St. Mary's College of Maryland

Matt joined the Blocker Gruendl team in 2023, bringing with him over 16 years of experience in Financial Services and Research Administration. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science.

Matt enjoys spending time with his family, playing with his Yorkshire Terrier puppy, and rooting for the Orioles.


Staff Accountant (Annapolis)

Phone: 410-774-0296
Education: Towson University

Chad joined the Blocker Gruendl team in February 2024. Prior to joining the team, Chad worked as an Accounting Assistant for 15 years at a small CPA firm in Silver Spring, Maryland. After which he moved on to work for Frost Law where he gained knowledge as an Paralegal/Administrative Assistant.

When Chad is not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, checking out car shows, camping and traveling.

cheryl headshot


Staff Accountant (Annapolis)

Phone: 410-774-0120
Certifications: Staff Accountant

Cheryl joined the Blocker Gruendl team in January 2018 bringing with her 11 years of bookkeeping and office management experience.

Cheryl enjoys spending time at the beach and exploring new places.


Administrative Assistant/Payroll Processor (Crofton)

Phone: 410-774-5697
Education: St. Mary's College of Maryland

Sara joined the Blocker Gruendl team in July 2023, bringing with her 7+ years of customer service and management experience. She is responsible for administrative tasks, answering the phones, processing payrolls, bookkeeping and tax return assembly. Sara enjoys seeing the clients when they come in for appointments and making connections with people.

When she is not at work, Sara enjoys visiting her family and pets, spending time with her husband, and finding new music to listen to.


Administrative Assistant (Annapolis)

Phone: 410-774-5768
Certifications: Administrative Assistant

Yaneth joined the Blocker Gruendl team in February 2024. bringing with her 6+ years of customer service and management skills. Along with being fluent in Spanish, she excels at creating a welcoming environment for clients and is focused on fulfilling all necessary tasks to create and build a professional relationships. Originally from Prince George county, when Yaneth is not working, she enjoys going to soccer games, car meets, traveling, spending time with her loved ones and lastly plan getaways with her friends.


Practice Manager & Staff Accountant (Crofton)

Phone: 667-307-0003
Certifications: Notary Public

Adrienne joined the Blocker Gruendl team in January 2022, bringing with her over 25 years of experience in Accounting, Auditing and Office Management. Prior to joining the team, Adrienne worked as a Program Specialist in homeowners insurance auditing for a global franchising company.

When Adrienne is not working she enjoys spending time with her family, going on motorcycle rides with her husband, and dipping her toes in the ocean.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help clients maintain financial stability in the present while taking a proactive approach to achieve future goals. This requires open communication to reach an understanding of our client’s needs through research and sound analysis. Blocker Gruendl CPAs, LLC. is dedicated to meeting these goals with high standards of excellence and professionalism. We have been a cornerstone of the area’s business community for over 35 years, and pride ourselves on the level of esteem we have earned.

Our dedication to hard work and being easily accessible has earned the respect of the business and financial communities in and around the area. We believe this to be a direct derivative of our talent and responsiveness to our client base. Whether you are a current or prospective client, rest assured that individuals and businesses who choose Blocker Gruendl CPAs, LLC. receive competent and timely advice.

Contact Blocker Gruendl CPAs, LLC. Today!

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